1.   A. Adding type fonts to a PC or Macintosh can be very simple, depending on the type of font you want to load.

2.   A window will pop up showing the style format for both the paragraph and the type font.

3.   Designers, for example, are limited to one or two basic type fonts on the Web, Schmitz said.

4.   Forget samples that show what type fonts look like before you choose them.

5.   Such text-only files will lack virtually all formatting, including type fonts and margins.

6.   This means that LCDs should be able to render type fonts as much as three times the actual screen resolution, making them far sharper and easier to read.

7.   Type fonts that look elegant on a page can look fuzzy on a screen.

8.   Will all sense of occasion be eliminated if these images are sold in packs like collections of clip-art or computer type fonts?

n. + font >>共 14
type 25.00%
default 15.63%
screen 12.50%
baptism 6.25%
computer 6.25%
handwriting 6.25%
system 6.25%
add-in 3.13%
basket 3.13%
golf-ball 3.13%
type + n. >>共 301
activator 3.88%
size 3.45%
player 2.16%
font 1.72%
activity 1.72%
message 1.72%
blood 1.29%
letter 1.29%
thing 1.29%
guy 1.08%
每页显示:    共 8