1.   Add the turkey stock and bring to a boil.

2.   Gently heat the turkey stock.

3.   In a large bowl mix the crumbs, then sprinkle with the turkey stock.

4.   Just before you reheat the baking dish of stuffing, moisten the top with a couple of generous ladles of turkey stock.

5.   Now, make turkey stock.

6.   Put turkey stock in a separate pan, and heat.

7.   Remove neck and giblets from cavity and use for turkey stock.

8.   Risotto, prepared with turkey stock and enriched with garlic, spinach and Parmesan, makes a captivating side dish.

9.   Spoon turkey stock over corn bread.

10.   The choice then is to start with a clean saucepan, butter and homemade turkey stock.

n. + stock >>共 388
technology 19.41%
bank 5.28%
tech 4.50%
blue-chip 4.33%
oil 4.07%
company 3.29%
property 2.00%
tobacco 1.94%
retail 1.87%
fish 1.80%
turkey 0.13%
turkey + n. >>共 200
breast 8.02%
sandwich 7.20%
dinner 5.07%
leg 3.44%
hunting 2.78%
stock 2.62%
mixture 2.45%
burger 2.29%
meat 1.96%
hunter 1.96%
每页显示:    共 16