1.   A former bishop had warned him never to completely trust a man loved by everyone.

2.   But can you trust a man who has changed his stance so often?

3.   Gutierrez even hired an army officer as his chauffeur, saying he trusts military men more than civilians.

4.   Her mother, worried that her daughter would never trust men, has been glad to see Daira dating again.

5.   How can they trust a man who used it against them when he was on the fringe of power and uses it now that he has achieved it?

6.   I trust that man.

7.   If you trusted a man with your phone book and bank records, would he deny you access when you needed them?

8.   Long ago, in the folk music era, my dad told me never to trust a man with facial hair.

9.   Now she suffers depression and memory loss and has trouble sleeping or trusting men, she said.

10.   People liked and trusted this man who believed he owed his country his best.

v. + man >>共 638
arrest 8.70%
kill 7.52%
see 2.91%
identify 2.48%
shoot 2.47%
charge 2.34%
take 2.21%
detain 1.80%
injure 1.30%
find 1.26%
trust 0.06%
trust + n. >>共 387
people 6.32%
instinct 5.04%
judgment 3.75%
government 3.16%
bank 1.64%
man 1.64%
company 1.52%
leader 1.29%
president 1.17%
police 1.05%
每页显示:    共 14