1.   Along the way they encounter perils that range from drenching tropical rainstorms to land mines and roving Montagnard troops.

2.   Infrastructure, especially drainage systems, critics are also claiming, is woefully inadequate and poorly maintained in vulnerable regions where hurricanes and tropical rainstorms are frequent.

3.   Twelve people were arrested for disturbing the peace and vandalism before a tropical rainstorm dispersed the crowds.

4.   Tropical rainstorms are common during summer in Bangladesh.

5.   Such strong tropical rainstorms were rare in Sabah, where shippers normally seek shelter from typhoons in the Philippines, Chung said.

a. + rainstorm >>共 71
heavy 23.39%
driving 12.84%
violent 5.05%
torrential 5.05%
sudden 3.67%
fierce 3.21%
afternoon 2.75%
tropical 2.29%
severe 2.29%
icy 1.38%
tropical + n. >>共 428
wave 21.76%
depression 5.67%
forest 4.53%
fruit 3.66%
island 3.24%
moisture 2.59%
plant 2.49%
disease 2.40%
heat 2.20%
air 2.10%
rainstorm 0.16%
每页显示:    共 5