1.   All parties agreed to work towards further reductions in conventional arms and troop levels, to be formalized in a new multilateral agreement.

2.   Another would pare troop levels and turn over duties not specifically related to peacekeeping to the United Nations or other international organizations.

3.   China was opposed to maintaining troop levels because the Caribbean nation has friendly ties with Taiwan.

4.   Clark has argued that troop levels in Kosovo have dropped too much as some nations have already withdrawn soldiers.

5.   During the presidential campaign, candidate George W. Bush made clear that he would like to reduce the troop levels in the Balkans dramatically and as soon as possible.

6.   First, the British and French governments have made clear they will reduce their troop levels in Bosnia, where they make up the backbone of the U.N. forces.

7.   He also speaks very strongly about continuing the war on terrorism, indicating he wants the United States and its allies to maintain current troop levels.

8.   In the past, Rumsfeld has said he does not favor boosting troop levels.

9.   It was also vital in helping Nunn to manage post-Cold War reductions in troop levels and Pentagon spending.

10.   Just as the United States has reduced its troop levels in the region, though, its relative economic importance is in a long-term slide.

n. + level >>共 1503
cholesterol 2.82%
income 2.35%
price 1.98%
grade 1.80%
skill 1.66%
comfort 1.50%
production 1.46%
pollution 1.43%
blood 1.41%
radiation 1.39%
troop 0.38%
troop + n. >>共 332
withdrawal 23.78%
movement 13.79%
pullback 8.30%
deployment 5.46%
redeployment 3.38%
pullout 3.33%
reinforcement 2.84%
presence 2.71%
strength 1.98%
buildup 1.46%
level 0.99%
每页显示:    共 38