1.   Bosnian troops at Bihac blew up their own headquarters Sunday, local radio reports said.

2.   Israeli troops blew up the Voice of Palestine radio station just before dawn Saturday morning, engulfing the five-story building in flames and smoke, witnesses said.

3.   Israeli troops blew up his house in the Jenin refugee camp after searching it and forcing his family out, he said.

4.   The most alarming gap covered an eight-day postwar period during which U.S. troops blew up a sprawling ammunition depot in southern Iraq.

5.   Then in one massive series of explosions, the troops blew up the ammunition dump.

6.   Palestinian gunmen inside the church said Israeli troops blew open a back door of the shrine and fired inside.

7.   American troops blew up a house and a network of tunnels Tuesday, and bulldozers leveled other mud ruins.

8.   As part of the raid, federal troops blew up two houses in Urus-Martan ostensibly because they found weapons caches there.

9.   Ethiopia said Eritrean troops were blowing up bridges to try to slow the advance.

10.   He remembers Chinese troops blowing horns and bugles when they charged, and being mowed down by machine guns.

n. + blow >>共 752
wind 17.39%
bomber 5.18%
whistle 3.34%
bomb 2.94%
blast 2.65%
explosion 2.18%
storm 2.12%
car 1.89%
breeze 1.66%
rebel 1.66%
troop 1.05%
troop + v. >>共 705
be 9.57%
fire 3.05%
take 2.15%
withdraw 2.15%
enter 1.97%
kill 1.91%
remain 1.70%
leave 1.69%
move 1.65%
shoot 1.58%
blow 0.18%
每页显示:    共 36