1.   Falling yields on short-term government debt also triggered an exodus to stocks.

2.   It may also trigger an exodus of investors to less volatile countries.

3.   Still, education lobbyist Mike Smith worries that labeling any schools as underperforming or failing could trigger an exodus of their best students and teachers.

4.   That move, and what many investors consider slow follow-up measures by the government, has triggered an exodus of foreign funds.

5.   Her story, broadcast on Czech state television last August, triggered an exodus of Czech Gypsies to Canada because of her praise for her adopted country.

6.   Infighting between Hutu rebel groups has triggered an exodus of Hutu civilians from northwestern Burundi, military and government officials said Tuesday.

7.   So groups have begun organizing intrusions into foreign embassies and consulates in what they hope will eventually trigger an exodus of refugees.

8.   That triggered an exodus of talent from Turkish clubs to Parma, Inter Milan, Aston Villa and many others.

9.   The fighting triggered an exodus of thousands of people on foot, bicycle or motorbike.

10.   The Guyana Human Right Association said a recent Brazilian military operation to chase miners off Indian lands in northeast Brazil had triggered the exodus.

v. + exodus >>共 116
join 13.40%
stop 6.95%
stem 4.96%
halt 4.96%
trigger 4.47%
spark 3.97%
continue 2.73%
prompt 2.73%
commemorate 2.48%
spur 2.23%
trigger + n. >>共 998
protest 3.94%
wave 2.23%
violence 2.16%
riot 1.84%
explosion 1.61%
alarm 1.55%
inflation 1.51%
concern 1.39%
fear 1.27%
landslide 1.25%
exodus 0.35%
每页显示:    共 18