1.   Behind the scenes, however, tribunal officials said the United States had expressed serious concerns about timing when informed a few days ago that the indictment was imminent.

2.   A tribunal official said Friday night that the possible disappearance of the bodies would not weaken the case against Milosevic.

3.   A tribunal official who spoke on condition of anonymity said investigators are initially concentrating on who had command responsibility for the most serious crimes.

4.   According to a tribunal official, Goldstone suggested to Perry that failing to arrest Karadzic could cause more violence as elections approach in Bosnia.

5.   But the Canadian judge, like other tribunal officials, was resolute and quietly confident.

6.   But tribunal officials say that Washington in particular has been reluctant to hand over relevant intelligence about Bosnia that touched Milosevic or the late Croatian president, Franjo Tudjman.

7.   But tribunal officials repeat their complaint that the United States has not been forthcoming with information that could help prosecutors.

8.   But tribunal officials raised questions Wednesday about whether NATO actions matched the rhetoric, and there were also questions as to what the tribunal was doing to gather evidence.

9.   He is a Canadian military officer, and is very hard to convince on so-called command and control cases, several former tribunal officials said.

10.   He was known to be under investigation, but tribunal officials hoped to make it easier to arrest him by keeping it secret.

n. + official >>共 339
government 15.68%
administration 6.51%
security 5.00%
city 4.28%
police 4.19%
company 3.43%
ministry 3.37%
health 3.21%
enforcement 2.61%
school 2.27%
tribunal 0.18%
tribunal + n. >>共 137
official 15.42%
spokesman 11.73%
prosecutor 7.60%
investigator 6.62%
judge 5.97%
custody 4.78%
rule 2.50%
indictment 2.50%
staff 2.17%
president 1.85%
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