1.   As trees absorb the light, they warm and give off more infrared radiation.

2.   As the trees absorb solar energy, they warm and give off more infrared radiation.

3.   A cut tree can absorb a quart of water each day once it is inside.

4.   Growing trees absorb carbon dioxide, storing the carbon in wood and releasing oxygen.

5.   Note that large trees can absorb up to a gallon of water per day, so keep watering them.

6.   Once indoors, a tree will absorb at least one quart of water daily, so check the level twice a day, especially during the first week.

7.   The Kyoto accord scores the amount of carbon dioxide trees absorb more generously, Clinton aides said.

8.   The tree will absorb a significant quantity of water, so check the pail daily.

9.   Trees absorb carbon, mitigating the effect of emissions.

10.   Trees absorb water.

n. + absorb >>共 421
market 3.67%
company 3.06%
plant 2.57%
body 2.57%
child 1.71%
tree 1.71%
skin 1.59%
investor 1.47%
economy 1.34%
rice 1.22%
tree + v. >>共 453
be 24.54%
grow 4.33%
fall 4.29%
have 3.82%
die 1.64%
stand 1.56%
look 1.21%
become 1.13%
block 1.13%
produce 1.09%
absorb 0.55%
每页显示:    共 14