1.   Also, because of relatively short travel distances and population density, a small vehicle works well in the city.

2.   Besides, she added, the travel distance between Albany and New York would make a meeting difficult.

3.   Debris may stay afloat for many years and travel incredibly long distances, Ebbesmeyer said.

4.   The surprise factor can be lost as officials travel long distances to test athletes.

5.   Vertical plumes can rise quickly well out of the reach of ground-based sensors and travel long distances before they are detected.

6.   When Phelan saw retired Col. Edmund Purdy, who had traveled from Nova Scotia for the event, they compared travel distances.

7.   Many Chinese put great faith in herbal medicine, and some travel long distances to see well-known traditional doctors.

8.   Moving the planes to Corsica will cut the travel distance to Yugoslavia by half, eliminating the need to refuel in the air.

9.   The most far-flung World Cup tournament ever has teams struggling to cope with unprecedented travel distances and lodging troubles.

n. + distance >>共 72
travel 8.18%
measure 5.45%
marathon 4.55%
race 4.55%
ball 3.64%
day 3.64%
judge 2.73%
sprint 2.73%
safety 1.82%
robot 1.82%
travel + n. >>共 658
document 7.26%
restriction 5.89%
ban 5.19%
plan 5.09%
time 2.98%
industry 2.77%
company 2.46%
expense 2.40%
arrangement 1.81%
warning 1.67%
distance 0.16%
每页显示:    共 9