1.   The city is having problems with trash removal.

2.   It also has the responsibility to provide for the public safety and deliver services like utilities, snow and trash removal, and schools, if residential development occurs.

3.   National Waste, he noted, planned to hire top Ponte company executives because the company had no experience in trash removal and recycling.

4.   The deduction also provides proportional tax breaks for cleaning, repairs, real estate taxes, utilities, trash removal and security systems.

5.   Under state law, such districts may assess a special tax to pay for services like private security, trash removal or business marketing and promotion.

6.   Under that policy, sponsors of events in city parks have to pay for services such as trash removal and lighting.

7.   Workdays were routine for trash removal and general housekeeping.

8.   Public transport, emergency medical help and trash removal are sometimes suspended because neither the mayor nor the governor will agree to pay the bills.

9.   City authorities considered banning the event this year because of anticipated costs for police overtime and trash removal, but Berlin Mayor Eberhard Diepgen later gave his permission.

10.   City services like public transport, emergency medical help and trash removal are sometimes put on hold when neither mayor nor governor agrees to pay the bills.

n. + removal >>共 122
hair 9.30%
snow 8.72%
dam 5.23%
mine 4.94%
laser 4.65%
trash 4.65%
debris 4.07%
tree 3.49%
garbage 3.20%
organ 2.91%
trash + n. >>共 110
can 28.02%
bin 16.64%
bag 9.42%
talk 7.61%
container 3.45%
heap 2.51%
collector 2.35%
collection 2.20%
fire 2.20%
hauler 1.88%
removal 1.26%
每页显示:    共 16