1.   It depends on their business as a transshipment port, transit airport, tourist stopover, supply hub and services center.

2.   Jamaica has been recognized in the annual International Narcotics Control Strategy Report as a major transshipment port for cocaine from South America and a major producer of marijuana.

3.   But Kaohsiung will serve only as a transshipment port for foreign cargo destined for the mainland and third countries.

4.   But Kaohsiung would serve only as a transshipment port for cargoes destined for the mainland and third countries and direct cross-strait exchanges of merchandize is still banned.

n. + port >>共 164
sea 11.23%
datum 8.52%
river 6.65%
ferry 3.12%
printer 2.49%
computer 2.29%
mainland 2.08%
cruise 1.87%
output 1.87%
border 1.66%
transshipment 0.83%
transshipment + n. >>共 17
point 63.01%
center 15.75%
cargo 3.42%
centre 2.74%
port 2.74%
country 2.05%
hub 2.05%
facility 1.37%
route 1.37%
connection 0.68%
每页显示:    共 4