1.   The transport strike had all sorts of repercussions on other industries.

2.   Within days Tirana and the southern town of Korce were in the grip of a public transport strike, and dockers were on strike in the port of Durres.

3.   An earlier series of terrorist bombings and the transport strikes have put people off traveling to France.

4.   During the first quarter, spending rebounded after consumers, who were kept away from shops by a public transport strike in December, caught up on purchases.

5.   Economists said the jump reflected a rise in fresh food prices prompted by a transport strike, however, and that inflationary pressures will remain subdued.

6.   For most of December France was crippled by a public sector transport strike.

7.   French consumer prices rose in December to their highest level in two years as a public transport strike sent energy and fresh food prices higher.

8.   In December, France was hit by a three-and-a-half-week public transport strike that paralyzed the transportation system.

9.   In France, a proposal to cut retirement benefits for state employees sparked a month-long transport strike two years ago and helped French Socialists return to power.

10.   It was their first mass action since last year, when a public transports strike crippled France for three weeks.

n. + strike >>共 499
missile 9.63%
baseball 6.44%
one-day 6.26%
transport 2.98%
two-day 2.85%
protest 2.73%
labor 2.52%
three-day 2.00%
rail 1.61%
helicopter 1.61%
transport + n. >>共 342
plane 11.49%
minister 5.91%
system 5.49%
company 4.33%
worker 4.24%
ministry 3.57%
link 3.02%
official 2.99%
strike 2.99%
service 2.77%
每页显示:    共 97