1.   He also taught at Boston College and Hellenic College, and translated the works of Seferis and Elytis.

2.   He has translated the works of T.S. Eliot into Turkish and published several volumes of his own poems.

3.   He translated works by Walter Benjamin, Martin Buber, Jacob Burckhardt, Gershom Scholem and Manes Sperber, among others.

4.   He translated works by Weber as well as the sociologist Karl Mannheim.

5.   He learned Polish so he could translate the works of such Polish poets as Czeslaw Milosz, and English so he could translate John Donne.

6.   Other playwrights whose works he translated for theater productions include Gogol, Brecht and Marivaux.

7.   She was also at home in other literary cultures and translated works by George Bernard Shaw, T.S. Eliot and Soren Kierkegaard.

8.   Women linguists and art critics discussed and translated the works of Julia Kristeva and Ann Isaac.

9.   Doinas, who is best known for his ballad style, also translated works by dozens of noted authors, including Goethe and Shakespeare.

10.   Edfelt also translated works of T.S. Eliot, Franz Kafka and others into Swedish.

v. + works >>共 565
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translate + n. >>共 425
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