1.   Conspicuous by his absence will be Joe Goossen, who trained both fighters since they were children.

2.   During that campaign, the CIA spent hundreds of millions of dollars training religious fighters and buying them modern weapons.

3.   He likes the idea of shifting his focus to his family -- he lives with his girlfriend and two children -- and plans to train fighters.

4.   It will detail how Pretoria supplied arms to Buthelezi and trained his fighters at a base in Namibia called the Caprivi Strip.

5.   Lewis trains fighters.

6.   Prosecutors say Odeh told them he also trained Islamic fighters in Somalia.

7.   The center, based in Brooklyn, raised money and recruited and trained fighters in support of the rebels in the Afghan war.

8.   The government maintained that the Al Qaeda members who trained the fighters in Somalia came from the same Kenya cell that later carried out the embassy attacks.

9.   The role of the Special Forces troops in Albania could range from aiding refugees to training guerilla fighters.

10.   What is he doing training another fighter?

v. + fighter >>共 427
kill 11.47%
wound 2.26%
disarm 2.08%
train 1.84%
see 1.78%
recruit 1.72%
include 1.55%
send 1.31%
have 1.25%
say 1.25%
train + n. >>共 744
camp 15.34%
worker 2.51%
troop 2.27%
teacher 2.15%
pilot 2.15%
militant 2.15%
game 2.01%
soldier 1.96%
people 1.82%
staff 1.82%
fighter 0.73%
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