1.   There is no clear professional accountability when tragedies occur although there are some signs of it emerging.

2.   What tragedies must occur before he and the Minister of State will change their minds?

3.   She says that when such a tragedy occurs, you change your mind abut the death sentence.

4.   And, with what counselors at the center said was growing forcefulness, they asked how such a tragedy could have occurred and who was to blame.

5.   As recently as six weeks ago, Ellington had argued unsuccessfully for improved safety measures at the courthouse, warning that a tragedy could occur at any time.

6.   As recently as six weeks ago, Ellington had argued unsuccessfully for improved security at the courthouse, warning that a tragedy might occur.

7.   Attempts to exchange prisoners fail and as the deadline for the second swap nears, a tragedy occurs.

8.   Bradley called for military force when U.S. interests are threatened and, in some cases, when humanitarian tragedies occur around the world.

9.   A tragedy occurs that changes the tone of the movie from hot to cold, but with no particular purpose to the story served.

10.   But when these tragedies occur after the battles are over, it is sometimes impossible to comprehend.

n. + occur >>共 919
incident 6.74%
accident 6.06%
attack 4.78%
explosion 4.08%
blast 2.84%
death 2.35%
shooting 2.24%
problem 1.82%
crash 1.75%
injury 1.56%
tragedy 0.49%
tragedy + v. >>共 244
be 23.73%
strike 8.36%
occur 7.49%
happen 3.75%
continue 1.63%
unfold 1.54%
make 1.54%
take 1.44%
become 1.25%
hit 1.25%
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