1.   Moreover, the complexities of trademark law are overwhelming the unworldly academics who keep the Internet afloat.

2.   An important part of trademark law is the question of public perception.

3.   Attempts are under way to change the Czech trademark laws.

4.   A proposal to amend existing trademark laws is scheduled to be introduced within the next few weeks.

5.   But in trying to accommodate both special interests and international trademark laws, the proposals raise as many questions as they answer.

6.   But other legal experts say the legislation represents a major expansion of trademark law that sharply tilts the balance in favor of large corporations.

7.   But the strict requirements of the trademark law may be changing, said Jessica Litman, a law professor at Wayne State University.

8.   But trademark laws have proven ineffective because they protect companies only from the importing of counterfeit goods, not the unauthorized distribution of products.

9.   Companies used to rely on a combination of state and federal trademark laws to protect themselves from pirates.

10.   David G. Post, an expert on online First Amendment issues, said the case could raise important considerations about the intersection of free speech and trademark law.

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security 4.19%
campaign 3.18%
draft 2.91%
finance 2.60%
bankruptcy 2.21%
gun 2.14%
trademark 0.31%
trademark + n. >>共 508
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suit 1.84%
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protection 1.51%
right 1.42%
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