1.   A more ambitious bill that would have ended virtually all trade sanctions was voted down earlier in the same house debate.

2.   Several companies broke trade sanctions by continuing to export weapons to the country.

3.   The USA had already imposed a series of trade sanctions against the government.

4.   Trade sanctions should be lifted once transitional arrangements had been agreed enabling all parties in South Africa to participate in negotiations.

5.   As a result, the country received little in the way of bilateral aid from these countries and various forms of trade sanction were imposed.

6.   Trade sanctions had to remain as promoters of environmental protection, he argued.

7.   The US has signalled that it may apply trade sanctions against Taiwan and China, because of the trade in rhino horns and tiger bones for medicinal purposes.

8.   An editorial on Saturday about trade sanctions incorrectly identified the congressional committee that will take up the Iran and Libya Sanctions Act on Wednesday.

9.   And hard times only grew worse with United Nations trade sanctions.

10.   And the U.S. government shows no sign of backing off trade sanctions after the Lockerbie verdict.

n. + sanction >>共 124
trade 72.93%
oil 2.88%
air 1.67%
travel 1.44%
government 1.44%
committee 0.83%
year 0.76%
face 0.76%
arm 0.61%
aviation 0.61%
trade + n. >>共 459
agreement 5.05%
deficit 4.96%
sanction 3.72%
talk 3.49%
group 3.39%
barrier 3.08%
official 2.48%
relation 2.39%
dispute 2.23%
surplus 2.13%
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