1.   A new round of global trade negotiations is due to start next week.

2.   It was a moment of levity amid tough trade negotiations.

3.   Storm clouds are gathering over the trade negotiations.

4.   These trade negotiations have left farmers out in the cold.

5.   It also urged that the ongoing Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations should conclude an agreement which recognized the basic interests of developing countries.

6.   The European Council notes that the trade liberalization negotiations have entered a conclusive stage.

7.   Commonwealth leaders meeting in Cyprus have agreed to set up a special mission to lobby key capitals holding out on agreement on the GATT trade negotiations.

8.   Already, some of the concessions Beijing has made in trade negotiations pose a threat to companies here.

9.   Although progress in other trade venues will be slow, the tightly closed world of trade negotiations has been changed forever.

10.   And now, despite claims of victory by both sides in the dubious and badly run trade negotiations, the U.S. actions are tactically inept.

n. + negotiation >>共 385
peace 38.18%
contract 8.66%
budget 6.73%
trade 5.08%
labor 3.35%
settlement 1.77%
autonomy 1.42%
membership 1.34%
wage 1.30%
status 1.28%
trade + n. >>共 459
agreement 5.05%
deficit 4.96%
sanction 3.72%
talk 3.49%
group 3.39%
barrier 3.08%
official 2.48%
relation 2.39%
dispute 2.23%
surplus 2.13%
negotiation 1.01%
每页显示:    共 259