1.   The cause of a biliary tract stricture may be difficult to determine radiologically.

2.   We have reviewed our experience of exfoliative cytology in the management of patients with biliary tract strictures.

3.   Improved methods of obtaining a tissue diagnosis are therefore becoming essential to the management of biliary tract strictures.

n. + stricture >>共 18
oesophageal 26.47%
tract 14.71%
government 8.82%
radiation 5.88%
v 5.88%
army 2.94%
aside 2.94%
budget 2.94%
disarmament 2.94%
hard-money 2.94%
tract + n. >>共 26
home 24.10%
infection 24.10%
calculus 10.84%
stricture 6.02%
mansion 3.61%
disease 2.41%
mucosa 2.41%
neighborhood 2.41%
surgery 2.41%
symptom 2.41%
每页显示:    共 5