1.   All Jason needs now is another set of braces as well as special X-rays to track his progress.

2.   An automatic scorecard tracks progress around the course.

3.   Teachers must track the progress of pupils and collect evidence of their attainments.

4.   Some Sharp models track the progress of the food as it cooks by assessing the moisture level.

5.   And each month, beginning with the current February issue, articles will track the progress of individual families toward their financial goals.

6.   Another approach is to track the progress of cars making cell phone calls.

7.   -- Create an information system so companies could track the progress of their products through the review process.

8.   A case manager will coordinate services for each family and track their progress.

9.   A company might not have formalized ownership agreements or have installed the proper accounting procedures for tracking progress.

v. + progress >>共 427
make 52.42%
report 6.14%
monitor 2.48%
see 2.19%
review 1.68%
show 1.54%
slow 1.53%
achieve 1.41%
discuss 1.21%
block 1.16%
track 0.91%
track + n. >>共 1077
movement 3.20%
performance 2.44%
stock 2.16%
progress 1.95%
system 1.53%
sale 1.40%
number 1.38%
people 1.30%
trend 1.04%
suspect 0.94%
每页显示:    共 75