1.   The two circular towers still have the original casement windows with leaded panes.

2.   The War Wagon tower has its own toughness value, wounds, and other characteristics as shown below.

3.   As the number of people with cell phones enlarges, more transmission towers will have to be built.

4.   This square tower has circular turrets on each side, the whole making a fortified place of retreat.

5.   Dominating the town as it does, the tower today has a gothic feel which makes it seem older than it really is.

6.   As a new focal point for the city, the tower had the task of expressing confidence and displaying a degree of technological prowess.

7.   And communications between controllers in the east and west towers have become more complicated and time-consuming, which controllers say could hamper appropriate action during emergencies.

8.   Besides, most towers have windows that you can peer out of at various heights, for different scary views of Washington or anywhere else you might be.

9.   Both towers had similar volumes of smoke and heat, but in the north tower, about three times as many people were trapped in roughly half the space.

n. + have >>共 1318
company 3.47%
government 1.92%
team 1.89%
people 1.78%
country 1.14%
state 0.96%
official 0.95%
man 0.88%
player 0.88%
woman 0.87%
tower 0.02%
tower + v. >>共 231
be 23.33%
collapse 11.78%
fall 6.33%
stand 4.67%
have 3.67%
come 2.56%
say 2.22%
rise 1.67%
remain 1.56%
provide 1.00%
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