1.   And this Olympic season she is touting the importance of family dinners for Olympic supplier Betty Crocker.

2.   And, in a report distributed around Capitol Hill Thursday, the White House touted the importance of military-civilian cooperation in technology development.

3.   Labor leaders and employers touted the importance of undocumented workers to the U.S. economy.

4.   One of the barracks also contained color leaflets touting the importance of the battle in the Kashmir valley, the disputed territory between India and Pakistan.

5.   The two leaders are expected to tout the importance of the security arrangement between the nations.

6.   Though Bush emphasized the feasibility of his tax cuts to reporters, in his public appearances he touted the importance of reading and education.

7.   While his friendship with Putin is relatively new, Berlusconi has frequently touted the importance of his ties to Bush and the United States.

8.   While his friedship with Putin is relatively new, Berlusconi has frequently touted the importance of his ties to Bush and the United States.

v. + importance >>共 275
stress 19.92%
emphasize 8.08%
understand 5.33%
underscore 3.57%
recognize 3.22%
attach 2.58%
know 2.37%
have 2.26%
downplay 2.14%
place 2.11%
tout 0.23%
tout + n. >>共 418
plan 4.15%
benefit 3.14%
stock 2.58%
record 2.47%
product 1.91%
virtue 1.80%
ability 1.46%
accomplishment 1.35%
fact 1.35%
proposal 1.12%
importance 0.90%
每页显示:    共 8