1.   With the current tourism promotion in this area these numbers seem set to increase.

2.   The council is hoping that local firms will help to fund tourism promotion in the future.

3.   Although the new plan will reduce slightly the amount of money available for tourism promotion, Sweeney said the hospitality industry tentatively supports it.

4.   Adding color to any tourism promotion is, of course, its U.S. history.

5.   It turned out to be the most famous and effective city tourism promotion the world has ever known.

6.   Others are narrowly targeted taxes affecting tourists, and these levies would also generate revenue for tourism promotion.

7.   That has allowed the authority to continue to distribute money for tourism promotion and to pay its operating expenses and mounting legal fees.

8.   The taxes also would raise money for tourism promotion, youth sports and the Cactus League.

9.   There are classroom programs, increased teacher pay, emergency and trauma services, tourism promotion, wildlife conservation and support to local police and fire departments.

10.   Tourism promotion was one of the first commercial applications to catch on on the Web.

n. + promotion >>共 234
investment 4.87%
export 4.53%
in-store 3.86%
tourism 3.52%
health 3.19%
product 2.85%
job 2.52%
season 2.01%
radio 2.01%
trade 2.01%
tourism + n. >>共 299
industry 20.14%
official 11.54%
minister 5.56%
sector 3.04%
office 2.10%
project 1.96%
business 1.82%
ministry 1.78%
boycott 1.73%
development 1.50%
promotion 0.98%
每页显示:    共 21