1.   Even the active minority will feel torn between conflicting loyalties.

2.   All this has left South Koreans torn between the patriotic yearning for unification and their reluctance to risk a surge in unemployment and taxes.

3.   And private experts said NASA seemed increasingly torn between technical rigor and political showmanship.

4.   Apart from a section where she overplays an irritating giggle, she is nicely alluring and properly torn between her upbringing and her heart.

5.   After the defeat, most Giants seemed torn between feeling confidence and dissatisfaction.

6.   But by senior year, Gerta felt torn between duty and desire.

7.   Director Frank Oz seems torn between the opportunities for humor and the desire to hammer home the more serious underlying messages.

8.   He had a girlfriend from Oneonta, and sometimes, his mother and his friends said, he felt torn between settling down and enjoying the unrestricted campus life.

9.   In their votes, Russians revealed that they remain torn between their aspirations for a better life and their loathing for their present fate.

10.   It left Weeks torn between his plans and a chance at another year of preparation on and off the court.

a. + between >>共 491
halfway 8.97%
under_way 3.99%
high 3.67%
underway 3.41%
located 2.29%
possible 2.23%
divided 2.03%
torn 1.83%
different 1.18%
resolved 1.18%
torn + p. >>共 13
between 39.44%
by 19.72%
about 7.04%
from 5.63%
over 5.63%
up 5.63%
in 4.23%
off 4.23%
out 2.82%
because_of 1.41%
每页显示:    共 28