1.   I imagined solemn covens chanting, straggling torchlight processions winding up to mountain tops, stone circles, sacred trees and springs.

2.   And, turning back the net curtain in his wee front parlour, caught sight of what he took to be a torchlight procession.

3.   As you join us tonight, a torchlight procession is getting underway as doctors and patients protest against plans to cut services at their hospital.

4.   Some, in religious solidarity, fasted and staged prayer vigils and torchlight processions.

5.   A few hundred peaceful women demonstrators walked in a torchlight procession in downtown Copenhagen, showering sparks in the windy night air Wednesday.

6.   A few hundred peaceful women demonstrators walked in a torchlight procession in downtown Copenhagen, showering sparks in the windy night air.

7.   In the West bank town of Ramallah there was a fireworks display followed by a torchlight procession of thousands of civilians.

8.   Politicians led torchlight processions in Rome and in cities across Italy on Wednesday in protest of the upcoming scheduled execution of a convicted killer in Virginia.

9.   Then they walked in a torchlight procession to midnight Mass.

10.   A torchlight procession will also be held in the evening.

n. + procession >>共 68
funeral 73.04%
torchlight 2.45%
candlelight 1.72%
peace 1.23%
vehicle 0.98%
victory 0.98%
campaign 0.74%
torchlit 0.74%
anti-rushdie 0.49%
four-hour 0.49%
torchlight + n. >>共 8
parade 41.67%
procession 27.78%
rally 11.11%
ceremony 5.56%
protest 5.56%
beacon 2.78%
demonstration 2.78%
march 2.78%
每页显示:    共 10