1.   Ask your doctor about viscous Xylocaine, and direct topical anesthetic.

2.   Cocaine, for example, may be used as a topical anesthetic in eye surgery.

3.   It is topical anesthetic called EMLA Cream, manufactured by Astra Pharmaceutical Products Inc. of Westborough, Mass.

4.   Several use topical anesthetics.

5.   They said topical anesthetics or possibly a dental-like block around the mouth for lip work, render procedures almost painless.

6.   Topical anesthetics numb the nociceptors.

7.   Ultrasound can also be used to help topical anesthetic or anti-inflammatory creams to penetrate underlying tissues.

a. + anesthetic >>共 24
topical 19.44%
epidural 11.11%
surgical 8.33%
new 5.56%
additional 2.78%
common 2.78%
direct 2.78%
full 2.78%
human 2.78%
injectable 2.78%
topical + n. >>共 107
issue 10.14%
cream 4.15%
treatment 3.69%
anesthetic 3.23%
ointment 3.23%
steroid 3.23%
application 2.76%
humor 2.76%
reference 2.76%
subject 2.76%
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