1.   Her top challengers will be Josette Columb-Janin of France and Cindy Barber-Keeler of Florida, who have won the division for the past three years.

2.   His top challenger was a two-time Senate race loser, Harry Lonsdale.

3.   Her top challengers hold the advantage of reputation and experience.

4.   If he stays home, perhaps he will fall behind his top Olympic challengers.

5.   Monday night, Bush was more aggressive, especially toward top challenger Arizona Sen. John McCain.

6.   None of the three U.S. teams has shown as solid a performance as the top challenger.

7.   Nor will the spotlight be limited to the top challengers, Phil and Ernie and Goose, Sergio and David and Vijay.

8.   Spokesman for top challengers McCain and Forbes say Bush has improved since the first debate.

9.   The conservative commentator then challenged Gramm to a debate to determine who was the top conservative challenger to Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole.

10.   The top presidential challengers, meanwhile, continued to cry foul.

a. + challenger >>共 301
republican 14.54%
democratic 12.50%
communist 4.36%
main 4.36%
potential 3.73%
serious 3.34%
strong 1.98%
closest 1.92%
top 1.87%
only 1.75%
top + n. >>共 669
official 9.23%
priority 4.25%
executive 3.54%
aide 2.72%
player 2.66%
team 2.46%
leader 2.35%
seed 2.13%
spot 2.09%
government 1.76%
challenger 0.08%
每页显示:    共 33