1.   Jane, like many other students, black and white, has to hide her tongue ring from her mother.

2.   One girl neglected to remove her tongue ring and the wind pressure caused pain.

3.   Wanna see my tongue ring?

4.   God, according to that noted expert on the deity, Carl Reiner, hates talking to anyone wearing a tongue ring.

n. + ring >>共 433
championship 11.76%
drug 7.63%
diamond 4.81%
prostitution 3.88%
nose 3.15%
spy 3.03%
child 3.03%
onion 2.81%
crime 2.47%
phone 2.39%
tongue 0.17%
tongue + n. >>共 51
scraper 11.11%
stud 10.00%
lashing 7.78%
tie 6.67%
movement 4.44%
ring 4.44%
cheek 2.22%
cancer 2.22%
jewelry 2.22%
fall 2.22%
每页显示:    共 4