1.   In the Kansas huddle, Williams was administering an uncharacteristic tongue lashing to his team.

2.   It eventually led to an ASU field goal and a heated tongue lashing from Notre Dame Coach Bob Davie for Harper.

3.   Last week, Dennis Conner gave Nippon skipper Peter Gilmour a vicious tongue lashing for consorting with the enemy.

4.   The bill, buffeted by denunciations of government shutdowns and tongue lashings over census counts, included inconspicuous money for small and large pet projects.

5.   USC, perhaps with its season on the line, got a tongue lashing from coach John Robinson at halftime.

6.   Zoran sometimes gives tongue lashings to those whose esthetics offend him.

7.   The tongue lashing took immediate effect, with a fine attacking move in the first minute of the re-start which forced the Welsh to concede a penalty.

n. + lashing >>共 6
tongue 53.85%
speech 15.38%
medium 7.69%
nylon 7.69%
rattan 7.69%
wet-noodle 7.69%
tongue + n. >>共 51
scraper 11.11%
stud 10.00%
lashing 7.78%
tie 6.67%
movement 4.44%
ring 4.44%
cheek 2.22%
cancer 2.22%
jewelry 2.22%
fall 2.22%
每页显示:    共 7