1.   Every tomato tastes different, especially when grown in different soil in different years.

2.   I expected all cooking tomatoes to taste at least passably when well cooked.

3.   Instead, I wait for summer months when local tomatoes taste real.

4.   Roma tomatoes are marinated and allowed to soak up the flavors for several hours, so even winter tomatoes taste great.

5.   Child said the genetically produced tomato tasted like hot-house tomatoes.

n. + taste >>共 341
panel 5.74%
food 5.44%
dish 2.50%
wine 2.35%
people 2.21%
water 1.91%
soup 1.91%
product 1.62%
coffee 1.47%
visitor 1.32%
tomato 0.74%
tomato + v. >>共 99
be 39.08%
have 4.00%
come 3.08%
ripen 2.46%
begin 2.15%
make 2.15%
grow 1.85%
slice 1.85%
become 1.54%
taste 1.54%
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