1.   The Executive, Legislative, and Judiciary branches together make up the US government.

2.   Letting the two ingredients heat up together makes for an evenly tender spear.

3.   Banks and SABIC together make up more than two-thirds of the market capitalisation.

4.   Montenegro and its more powerful neighbour Serbia together make up post-war Federal Yugoslavia.

a. + make >>共 206
clear 12.77%
sure 8.42%
same 2.45%
different 2.45%
particular 2.45%
foreign 1.90%
available 1.63%
documentary 1.36%
together 1.09%
similar 1.09%
together + n. >>共 393
flour 10.43%
egg 6.20%
butter 3.70%
coalition 3.15%
account 1.96%
mayonnaise 1.96%
sugar 1.85%
vinegar 1.41%
oil 1.41%
milk 0.98%
make 0.43%
每页显示:    共 4