1.   His toes curled in his shoes.

2.   One Lapp shows me his reindeer skin boots, and shrugs when I ask him why the toes curl up.

3.   My toes curl.

4.   One or more toes eventually curl under the stress, resulting in bony protrusions that develop painful corns when they rub on shoes.

5.   Should the toe curl up?

6.   That can cause a lot of problems that can make your toes curl up.

n. + curl >>共 114
smoke 10.68%
lip 5.56%
hair 4.70%
finger 3.42%
leaf 3.42%
smile 2.99%
toe 2.56%
cat 2.56%
ball 2.14%
mouth 2.14%
toe + v. >>共 75
be 21.43%
curl 3.90%
go 3.90%
have 3.90%
tap 3.90%
feel 3.25%
hurt 1.95%
come 1.95%
save 1.95%
start 1.95%
每页显示:    共 6