1.   The title refers to the room in which the state caretakers abandoned a small girl to her death.

2.   A story collection, marked by a robust style, whose title refers to the small, domestic variety of failures.

3.   But the movie title really refers to the time they spend at casting calls and auditions.

4.   For noncultists, it should be explained the title refers to a guidebook for intragalactic travelers.

5.   He added that their titles referred to international conspiracy, commando operations and engineering of explosives.

6.   In a telephone interview, however, Westmoreland said the chapter title was not referring to anyone in particular.

7.   In this case, the title refers to the skin of the leading character, an albino teen-ager in rural Texas.

8.   Its title refers to the corridor floored with lime-colored linoleum that condemned prisoners must walk to reach the electric chair at the state penitentiary at Cold Mountain.

9.   Its title refers to a Mexican bread pudding that encompasses myriad ingredients.

10.   Or does the title refer to another sort of crossing altogether?

n. + refer >>共 873
official 3.49%
title 2.51%
term 2.37%
report 2.28%
statement 1.77%
doctor 1.63%
citation 1.53%
spokesman 1.30%
name 1.30%
people 1.16%
title + v. >>共 315
be 38.38%
come 5.08%
go 3.43%
refer 3.08%
suggest 2.74%
have 2.34%
include 1.60%
make 1.43%
mean 1.43%
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