1.   She said her mother was worried about her taking so much time off from work, but Pearl kept assuring her it was all right.

2.   The reason I have a hard time taking Jorge Luis Gonzalez seriously is that I keep thinking of him as an opponent for Rocky Balboa.

3.   The sites also seem to have a hard time taking into account issues beyond price.

4.   We talked again about his taking more time with the ball.

n. + taking >>共 53
hostage 15.04%
profit 15.04%
drug 8.27%
risk 5.26%
bribe 3.76%
land 3.01%
mass-hostage 3.01%
time 3.01%
decision 2.26%
oath 2.26%
time + n. >>共 1490
period 2.92%
trial 2.78%
slot 1.77%
line 1.32%
difference 1.26%
rate 1.11%
constraint 0.88%
one 0.82%
at 0.79%
hand 0.69%
taking 0.03%
每页显示:    共 4