1.   The time value components of the option premiums quoted get larger as the time to expiry lengthens.

2.   But as development times lengthen to six or seven years, so too do the chances that a new model will be obsolete before it leaves the drawing board.

3.   Even so, the survey noted that prices for some commodities increased in recent months while delivery times lengthened.

4.   From some officials come predictions that police response times will lengthen and crime clearance rates will fall.

5.   She also suggested that the oven temperature be increased and the baking time lengthened.

6.   Even slight postural inefficiencies can become agonizing as our sitting time lengthens.

n. + lengthen >>共 88
shadow 16.44%
day 8.22%
time 4.11%
line 2.74%
queue 2.05%
silence 2.05%
crowd 1.37%
hour 1.37%
measure 1.37%
commute 1.37%
time + v. >>共 602
be 43.15%
come 8.77%
run 3.10%
change 2.99%
pass 2.33%
go 1.96%
tell 1.61%
have 1.05%
get 0.81%
expire 0.79%
lengthen 0.03%
每页显示:    共 6