1.   Older bingo halls and those owned by fraternal and veterans organizations are having a hard time bringing in new clients.

2.   They had been out for six or seven hours having a good time.

3.   What managers might see as putting a positive spin on developments can come across as insensitivity to those employees who are having a tough time.

4.   The ball dropped back into the danger zone and Andersson, positioned roughly on the penalty spot, had time and room to volley between Shimokawa and the post.

v. + have >>共 706
be 6.94%
have 5.18%
say 4.47%
work 1.96%
fight 1.96%
do 1.96%
figure 1.92%
lobby 1.71%
use 1.59%
sue 1.59%
time 0.17%
time + v. >>共 42
serve 12.31%
give 9.23%
have 6.15%
be 4.62%
detail 4.62%
play 4.62%
go 3.08%
run 3.08%
burn 1.54%
buy 1.54%
每页显示:    共 4