1.   Among other diversions, Rader spends his time fly fishing, playing poker and writing a book.

2.   Don is planning to spend some time fishing with his grandsons.

3.   He also spent much time fishing.

4.   He drives a red pickup truck to work, spends much of his spare time fishing and rarely wears tuxedos, even at formal events.

5.   He can say that he just wants to spend some leisure time fishing.

6.   He spends most of his time fishing.

7.   He was excited about becoming independent and spending time fishing.

8.   Knee willing, Jackson hopes to spend his time fishing, hiking and swimming for the next few months.

9.   He said he fills his time fly fishing, exercising and doing scientific research on his own.

10.   It will also allow night time fishing, banned earlier since rebels often disguised themselves as fishermen and attacked soldiers.

n. + fishing >>共 149
ice 11.88%
trout 10.99%
sport 6.05%
shark 3.81%
sea 3.81%
time 2.69%
day 2.24%
night 2.24%
cyanide 2.02%
turbot 2.02%
time + n. >>共 1490
period 2.92%
trial 2.78%
slot 1.77%
line 1.32%
difference 1.26%
rate 1.11%
constraint 0.88%
one 0.82%
at 0.79%
hand 0.69%
fishing 0.09%
每页显示:    共 12