1.   Tilt the pan so that the sauce covers the bottom.

2.   Add egg to pan and tilt pan to spread it into a thin sheet.

3.   Add apples, and tilt pan to spoon juices over them.

4.   Continue pushing the eggs, tilting the pan and lifting the eggs to allow the runny portion to slide underneath.

5.   Heat the oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat, tilting the pan so the oil covers the bottom evenly.

6.   Pour melted sugar into a pie pan, tilting pan to cover all surfaces.

7.   Spread butter evenly over bottom and sides of pan by tilting pan or using a pastry brush.

8.   Stand right by the stove and tilt the pan as the butter begins to melt so it all melts evenly.

9.   Tilt pan and continue moving cooked portion of egg as necessary, until egg thickens and no liquid remains.

10.   Tilt pan to drain off excess fat.

v. + pan >>共 166
remove 16.70%
cover 9.62%
place 8.26%
roast 4.90%
deglaze 4.54%
shake 3.54%
return 3.09%
put 2.63%
set 2.36%
fill 1.91%
tilt 1.54%
tilt + n. >>共 180
head 22.32%
balance 6.65%
pan 3.65%
chin 3.43%
face 2.79%
odd 2.79%
scale 1.72%
process 1.29%
benefit 1.07%
rotor 1.07%
每页显示:    共 17