1.   And Myhrvold said the government and corporate researchers faced increasing restrictions on their work in an era of tighter budgets and stiffer competition.

2.   Bush said the Pentagon should have first dibs and expressed satisfaction about a tighter budget that would block the Democratic spending agenda.

3.   But just imagine feeding hundreds each day while following tight nutritional guidelines and an even tighter budget that covers everything from food costs to garbage collection.

4.   Corrections officials across the country say controlling prisons is becoming more difficult because of increasing inmate populations, harder-core prisoners and tighter budgets.

5.   If anything, the managers are after bands to keep sets on a tighter budget.

6.   New and different tends to sell more, and university athletic departments rely on sales of licensed merchandise as an important revenue stream in a time of tighter budgets.

7.   On a tighter budget?

8.   President Carter, trying to placate the markets, promised to adopt a tighter budget.

9.   So, the prophet of leaner government, more individual responsibility and tighter state budgets is also the proponent of an ambitious new program of state handouts?

10.   Students on a tighter budget can purchase carpet remnants that coordinate with their bedding.

a. + budget >>共 548
federal 13.56%
balanced 13.25%
state 4.82%
new 3.14%
national 2.38%
annual 2.25%
tight 2.01%
supplementary 1.67%
proposed 1.41%
military 1.35%
tighter 0.24%
tighter + n. >>共 306
control 14.61%
security 11.68%
restriction 6.98%
regulation 5.28%
rule 2.48%
credit 2.22%
budget 1.83%
border 1.76%
standard 1.57%
immigration 1.57%
每页显示:    共 28