1.   Moreover, management did not take the opportunities presented by the new machinery to tighten control over production.

2.   Other reasons given were the sale of subsidiaries, tightening controls on costs and improving the structures and systems of group companies.

3.   She could feel, too, the Communists tightening their control.

4.   The consensus is that the Kiev government has tightened controls over the small arms trade in recent months.

5.   The government wants to tighten immigration controls, but it does not want to be seen as anti-Semitic.

6.   We will tighten controls against exploitation, we will create more National Parks and we will improve access to the countryside.

7.   While tightening control of film content, the government has opened the film industry to Market forces in two ways.

8.   The meeting agreed to streamline the list of restricted goods while tightening controls against member states violating COCOM rules.

9.   In Uzbekistan, President Islam Karimov stepped up pressure on the democratic and Islamic opposition and tightened border controls with Tajikistan.

10.   An Islamic-oriented political party and two human-rights groups were outlawed, and the government tightened control over mosques.

v. + control >>共 416
take 18.65%
lose 9.36%
have 8.88%
regain 4.23%
gain 3.81%
retain 3.78%
seize 3.35%
maintain 2.88%
tighten 2.44%
keep 2.39%
tighten + n. >>共 318
security 19.50%
control 10.45%
grip 4.95%
rule 4.84%
restriction 3.80%
belt 3.70%
law 3.42%
credit 3.21%
policy 2.96%
regulation 2.85%
每页显示:    共 408