1.   The tide was receding, there was a fair way to shift them to the water.

2.   As the tide recedes and the water rushes outward, we are left to ponder the political pockmarks on the sand.

3.   After Labor Day, however, the tourist tide recedes and another less frenetic Provincetown emerges.

4.   Scott still thinks the regulatory tide may recede, if Web-based businesses begin offering solid privacy guarantees to customers.

5.   When the tide recedes, water trapped behind the beach rushes out, creating dangerous riptides.

n. + recede >>共 203
water 27.86%
floodwater 7.06%
flood 3.44%
river 2.67%
threat 2.10%
hair 1.53%
issue 1.34%
fear 1.34%
war 1.15%
concern 0.95%
tide 0.95%
tide + v. >>共 124
turn 30.38%
be 11.06%
begin 5.90%
lift 3.98%
go 3.10%
come 2.65%
seem 2.51%
appear 2.36%
run 2.21%
change 1.77%
recede 0.74%
每页显示:    共 5