1.   It was thus possible to assemble a bridge pier and lower it complete on to the river bed.

2.   This means that complete Market surveillance is possible and better investor protection is thus also possible.

3.   It is thus possible to describe the types of information which are most clearly central and peripheral with respect to this definition.

4.   Six simulation runs were thus possible, with two train crossing times for each of the three vehicle separation times.

5.   It is thus possible that if the splanchnic vasodilation could be overcome, there could be an amelioration in the systemic and renal circulation.

6.   It is thus possible that the two exchangers have distinct functional roles and are selectively regulated.

7.   Market entry is thus possible from any location in Germany.

8.   In a worst-case scenario, the aneurysm could have ruptured, causing internal bleeding in the arm and thus possible loss of the limb.

9.   It is thus possible to be convicted but to receive no punishment.

d. + possible >>共 250
as 20.78%
not 18.66%
also 8.28%
still 7.10%
immediately 4.19%
only 3.98%
as_much_as 3.81%
now 2.08%
always 1.88%
quite 1.76%
thus 0.26%
thus + a. >>共 475
competitive 14.08%
likely 3.65%
able 3.13%
possible 1.46%
vulnerable 1.46%
difficult 1.36%
greater 1.25%
inspired 1.15%
unconstitutional 1.04%
in 0.83%
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