1.   A thumbnail sketch of their functions and modes or organisation was also given.

2.   A very tightly written little thumbnail sketch.

3.   This thumbnail sketch of a complicated web of negotiations says some unexpected things about Mr Major.

4.   Have you made proper use of initial questionnaires and will the interview be properly prepared and structured?

5.   Have you considered if and when to issue witness summons or subpeonas?

6.   Have you or your client prepared a thumbnail sketch of the witness for counsel?

7.   But even this thumbnail sketch may miss a more fundamental point.

8.   Click on one of the colored time lines and up pops a thumbnail sketch of a civilization at that time period.

9.   COX-WATCHDOG-AGENCIES -- WASHINGTON -- Thumbnail sketch of the major agencies in charge of ferreting out waste, plus hotline telephone numbers.

10.   Guggenheim knew a great many people, biblically and otherwise, and Gill presents thumbnail sketches of them all.

a. + sketch >>共 176
composite 18.03%
thumbnail 7.55%
rough 5.24%
biographical 4.61%
brief 3.14%
quick 2.94%
new 2.52%
preliminary 1.89%
little 1.47%
detailed 1.47%
thumbnail + n. >>共 25
sketch 38.71%
image 10.75%
picture 7.53%
biography 5.38%
view 5.38%
portrait 3.23%
shot 3.23%
description 2.15%
history 2.15%
map 2.15%
每页显示:    共 36