1.   An ambitious thriller set in Restoration England.

2.   Mute Witness Slick Hitchcockian thriller set in Moscow, where American filmmakers are in danger after discovering a snuff-film operation.

3.   Two better-than-average thrillers set during and after World War II.

4.   Perhaps inevitably, members of Congress began writing mysteries and thrillers set in the territory they know best, sometimes taking a shot at a favorite target.

n. + set >>共 1859
government 3.55%
sun 2.28%
state 1.77%
company 1.61%
look 1.32%
court 1.30%
sight 1.25%
judge 1.16%
law 1.15%
protester 1.04%
thriller 0.05%
thriller + v. >>共 45
be 28.00%
have 8.00%
star 6.00%
become 4.00%
set 4.00%
feature 3.00%
come 3.00%
play 3.00%
use 3.00%
find 2.00%
每页显示:    共 4