1.   Sullivan, of the county Terrorism Early Warning Group, said the preparations are essential because of the global threat terrorists pose.

2.   The biggest threat mountain lions pose is to deer, not to people.

3.   The threat fire poses to homes is a bigger problem than a local zoning board can handle, we told the questioner from New York.

4.   Environment Minister Samir Mokbel said the ethyl acrilate was in an advanced state of decomposition and could pose a threat, but he stressed it was not toxic.

n. + pose >>共 89
meditation 6.19%
prayer 3.54%
threat 3.54%
yoga 2.65%
crucifixion 1.77%
flamenco 1.77%
body-builder 1.77%
danger 1.77%
outlaw 1.77%
problem 1.77%
threat + n. >>共 129
assessment 12.11%
came 4.93%
level 3.14%
warning 3.14%
condition 2.69%
information 2.69%
case 2.24%
report 2.24%
issue 1.79%
charge 1.79%
pose 1.79%
每页显示:    共 4