1.   Thousands flooded public parks for picnics with family and friends or watched military air and sea maneuvers along the Tel Aviv beach.

2.   Thousands of people flooded Daley Plaza in Chicago for a gathering of reflection that at times bordered on a patriotic rally.

3.   Thousands flooded the stores and forced the company to hire security guards and sell their telephones by appointment only.

4.   As quickly as the players left the pitch, thousands of fans flooded onto the field, dancing to traditional South Asian drum music and waving Sri Lankan flags.

5.   Meanwhile, thousands more flooded government offices around the capital in search of jobs promised as part of a work program unveiled earlier this week by Rodriguez Saa.

6.   Meanwhile, thousands more flooded government offices around the capital in search of jobs promised as part of a work program unveiled this week by Rodriguez Saa.

7.   Several months later, thousands more flooded the British port of Dover, drawn by rumors of quick asylum.

8.   Thousands of visitors flood into downtown, browsing in shops selling everything from expensive jade jewelry to fur-lined jockstraps.

9.   Thousands flooded toward Macedonia, only to be stranded just outside the border by an overwhelmed government.

10.   Thousands of Palestinians flooded Manger Square on Christmas Eve Sunday to celebrate the birth of Christ as well as the birth of Palestinian self-rule.

n. + flood >>共 440
rain 8.20%
water 5.56%
river 3.20%
light 1.89%
thousand 1.79%
fan 1.79%
refugee 1.51%
people 1.41%
import 1.41%
storm 1.04%
thousand + v. >>共 652
be 14.79%
flee 4.51%
die 3.75%
take 3.37%
march 3.14%
gather 2.89%
attend 2.36%
line 2.06%
turn 1.99%
remain 1.85%
flood 0.33%
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