1.   So for me the three things were the structured thought patterns plus the arousal and the need for audience contact.

2.   So for me Aldershot method, cluster but most important was the thought patterns.

3.   A common technique to deal with anxiety and panic is cognitive behavioral therapy, which tries to teach people to change unproductive or harmful thought patterns that cause fear.

4.   All those questions were there, and those are negative thought patterns.

5.   Combining a drug regimen with cognitive-behavioral therapy helps patients recognize and change obsessive thought patterns and overcome social avoidance.

6.   Magical connections are inherent in our thought patterns.

7.   Pause to examine your thought patterns from time to time.

8.   She was discharged, Russell Yates said, even though her medical chart indicated she still exhibited paranoid thought patterns and impaired judgment.

9.   The fans get a lot of their thought patterns from talk shows and other media.

10.   The overriding thought pattern is positive.

n. + pattern >>共 770
weather 18.54%
traffic 2.78%
speech 1.96%
sleep 1.78%
pass 1.52%
wind 1.48%
flight 1.48%
post 1.48%
consumption 1.48%
migration 1.33%
thought 0.48%
thought + n. >>共 90
process 42.15%
pattern 4.98%
experiment 3.83%
police 3.45%
leader 2.30%
balloon 2.30%
control 1.53%
leadership 1.53%
disorder 1.53%
strategy 1.53%
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