1.   Benefits from operational systems can be measured, although not easily and not many organisations carry out thorough evaluations.

2.   Inspectors will have to do a thorough evaluation of the project before we can continue.

3.   The extent to which any thorough evaluation took place within the school is questionable.

4.   Before you consider seeing an acupuncturist who is not a doctor, see your doctor for a thorough evaluation.

5.   A thorough Congressional evaluation of the past performance and future mission of the entire intelligence establishment would be a good place to begin.

6.   A week-long process of personal interviews, thorough medical evaluations, and orientation will be required for both civilian and military applicants under final consideration. . . .

7.   After a thorough evaluation, if no obvious cause is found, I have found a short course of corticosteroids will sometimes help.

8.   But, he added more equivocally, if the company ever did need to cut, management would first conduct a thorough evaluation.

9.   In that situation, Kelly said, Niedermayer should have been transported by ambulance to the nearest hospital for a thorough neurological evaluation.

10.   It rewards teachers for performance, and measures that performance not by student test results but by efforts at thorough evaluation of teacher skills.

a. + evaluation >>共 290
psychiatric 15.34%
psychological 8.15%
medical 5.72%
further 3.03%
independent 2.51%
preliminary 1.91%
mental 1.82%
positive 1.65%
final 1.39%
thorough 1.30%
thorough + n. >>共 299
investigation 19.55%
search 6.54%
examination 5.25%
review 5.04%
check 3.27%
job 2.86%
inspection 2.72%
study 2.45%
background 2.25%
understanding 1.98%
evaluation 1.02%
每页显示:    共 15