1.   Classes and private property grow out of the family and together these various factors lead to the break-up of the gens.

2.   No doubt stress and change have always characterized human society and psychiatrists point out that these two factors are closely linked.

3.   These three factors enable one to conceptualize the situation like this.

4.   These two factors act together to create and reproduce social hierarchy.

5.   These two factors together mean that the fundamentals of the metric system present difficulties to them.

6.   These two factors will also be characteristic of other examples which follow.

7.   Together these two factors have tended to cloak her personality, leaving an impression of excessive timidity.

8.   These four factors may be justified intuitively by putting them in the context of the discounted cash flow valuation model.

9.   How then, do we balance these two factors?

10.   As a result of these two factors, molecules of both A and B have a greater tendency to escape from the liquid phase into the vapour phase.

a. + factor >>共 825
major 7.64%
important 6.72%
key 6.17%
big 2.75%
technical 2.67%
contributing 2.45%
main 2.18%
deciding 2.13%
environmental 1.88%
seasonal 1.80%
this 0.42%
this + n. >>共 920
team 4.45%
man 3.61%
country 2.46%
guy 2.07%
game 1.86%
company 1.61%
group 1.30%
people 1.16%
factor 1.16%
time 1.05%
每页显示:    共 33